Brett + Amanda
Hands down one of the coolest engagement sessions we’ve had the chance to photograph. When Brett and Amanda came to us and asked if we could shoot a Lincoln Financial Field engagement session because they are huge Eagles fans, we were 100% on board. We always recommend choosing a place that is meaningful to you and your relationship. Brett and Amanda did just that. They are season ticket holders and practically live here during football season.
Having your session at Lincoln Financial Field is pretty easy. All you need to do is fill out a form, send in some money, part of which goes to a charity, and then show up for your session. It’s awesome and you pretty much get a full tour of the facility as well. It was super fun and our tour guide was so friendly. It’s a must do if you’re engaged and an Eagles fan.
To Brett + Amanda:
Thanks so much for choosing The Linc as your backdrop for your engagement session! It was so fun and we loved finally getting to meet you in person! We cannot wait for your wedding next year. It’s going to be awesome! Until then, we hope you enjoy this little sneak peek from your Lincoln Financial Field engagement session!
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August 13, 2021